

Letter from the VP for Academic Affairs (Adamson University)

Reblogged from ejpm of the College of Sciences.

I think this letter will answer some of your questions.

This is the letter addressed to Alvin Cacut (President, AUSG) and Shervinne Valdez (President, PSSBAU)

09 August 2010

Alvin M. CacutPresident, AUSG

Shervinne M. ValdezPresident, PSSBAU

Dear Mr. Cacut , Mr. Valdez et al,

This is in reference and in response to your letter dated July 28, 2010, which my office received on August 5th appealing for the “temporary suspension of the New Grading System” for this current school year.

Thank you for airing out your thoughts about the matter. Your honesty and concerns are very much acknowledged and appreciated.

I have summarized the points that you raised and presented. Below are my responses.

1. Selected Implementation.

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